typeApplicationCategory='GameApplication' |'SocialNetworkingApplication' |'TravelApplication' |'ShoppingApplication' |'SportsApplication' |'LifestyleApplication' |'BusinessApplication' |'DesignApplication' |'DeveloperApplication' |'DriverApplication' |'EducationalApplication' |'HealthApplication' |'FinanceApplication' |'SecurityApplication' |'BrowserApplication' |'CommunicationApplication' |'DesktopEnhancementApplication' |'EntertainmentApplication' |'MultimediaApplication' |'HomeApplication' |'UtilitiesApplication' |'ReferenceApplication'exportinterfaceSoftwareAppSimpleextendsThing {'@type'?: Arrayable<'SoftwareApplication' | 'MobileApplication' | 'VideoGame' | 'WebApplication'>/** * The name of the app. */name?: string/** * An offer to sell the app. * For developers, offers can indicate the marketplaces that carry the application. * For marketplaces, use offers to indicate the price of the app for a specific app instance. */offers: NodeRelations<Offer>/** * The average review score of the app. */aggregateRating?: NodeRelation<AggregateRating>/** * A single review of the app. */review?: NodeRelation<Review>/** * The type of app (for example, BusinessApplication or GameApplication). The value must be a supported app type. */applicationCategory?: ApplicationCategory/** * The operating system(s) required to use the app (for example, Windows 7, OSX 10.6, Android 1.6) */operatingSystem?: string}