(options: CreateSchemaOrgInput) => SchemaOrgClient
export interface CreateSchemaOrgInput { /** * The meta data used to render the final schema.org graph. */ meta: () => MetaInput /** * Client used to write schema to the document. */ updateHead: (fn: ComputedRef) => void}
export interface SchemaOrgClient { install: (app: App) => void graphNodes: SchemaNode[] schemaRef: Ref<string> /** * Adds a node to the graph with the given Vue component context. */ addNode: <T extends SchemaNode>(node: T, ctx: InstanceContext) => Id /** * Given a Vue component context, deleted any nodes associated with it. */ removeContext: (ctx: InstanceContext) => void /** * Sets up the initial placeholder for the meta tag using useHead. */ setupDOM: () => void /** * Given an Id (#identity) find the associated node. Used for resolving relations. */ findNode: <T extends SchemaNode>(id: Id) => T | null /** * Main API to add nodes, handles resolving and relations. */ addNodesAndResolveRelations(ctx: InstanceContext, nodes: Arrayable<UseSchemaOrgInput>): Set<Id> /** * Trigger the schemaRef to be updated. */ generateSchema: () => void debug: ConsolaFn | ((...arg: any) => void) setupRouteContext: (vm: ComponentInternalInstance) => InstanceContext options: CreateSchemaOrgInput}