
Vue Recipe

  • Type: defineRecipe(input?: Recipe)
    Describes a Recipe, which contains a series of instructions, ingredients, and optional fields.
  • Component: SchemaOrgRecipe (see how components work)

Required properties

  • name string
    A string describing the recipe.
    A name can be provided using route meta on the title key, see defaults.
  • image string|ImageObject
    An image representing the completed recipe, referenced by ID.
    A single image URL can be provided using route meta on the image key, see defaults.
  • recipeIngredient string[]
    An array of strings representing each ingredient and quantity (e.g., "3 apples").
  • recipeInstructions Arrayable<HowToStepInput>
    An array of instructions for how to prepare the recipe.


  • @type: Recipe
  • @id: ${canonicalUrl}#recipe
  • name: currentRouteMeta.title (see: route meta resolving)
  • image: currentRouteMeta.image (see: route meta resolving)
  • description: currentRouteMeta.description (see: route meta resolving)
  • inLanguage: options.defaultLanguage (see: user Config)
  • datePublished: currentRouteMeta.datePublished (see: route meta resolving)
  • author: (conditional) set to the current page article's author if one exists
  • mainEntityOfPage: WebPage Reference


See Global Resolves for full context.

  • datePublished can be resolved from Date objects


defineRecipe({  name: 'Peanut Butter Cookies',  image: '',  recipeInstructions: [    {      text: 'Bake at 200*C for 40 minutes, or until golden-brown, stirring periodically throughout',    },    {      text: 'Eat them up',    },  ],  recipeIngredient: ['Peanut Butter', 'Cookie Dough'],})


export interface RecipeSimple extends Thing {  /**   * A string describing the recipe.   */  name?: string  /**   * An image representing the completed recipe, referenced by ID.   */  image?: NodeRelation<ImageObject | string>  /**   * An array of strings representing each ingredient and quantity (e.g., "3 apples").   */  recipeIngredient: string[]  /**   * An array of HowToStep objects.   */  recipeInstructions: NodeRelations<HowToStep | string>  /**   * A string describing the recipe.   */  description?: string  /**   * The cooking time in ISO 8601 format.   */  cookTime?: string  /**   * The time required to prepare the recipe.   */  prepTime?: string  /**   * A NutritionInformation node, with a calories property which defines a calorie count as a string (e.g., "270 calories").   */  nutrition?: NutritionInformation  /**   * The number of servings the recipe creates (not the number of individual items, if these are different), as a string   * (e.g., "6", rather than 6).   */  recipeYield?: string  /**   * An array of strings representing the tools required in the recipe.   */  tools?: string[]  /**   * An array of keywords describing the recipe.   */  keywords?: string[]  /**   * A string describing the cuisine type (e.g., "American" or "Spanish").   */  recipeCuisine?: string  /**   * The category of the recipe.   */  recipeCategory?: 'Appetizer' | 'Breakfast' | 'Brunch' | 'Dessert' | 'Dinner' | 'Drink' | 'Lunch' | 'Main course' | 'Sauce' | 'Side dish' | 'Snack' | 'Starter'  /**   * A RestrictedDiet node, with a value (or array of values   */  suitableForDiet?: Partial<'DiabeticDiet' | 'GlutenFreeDiet' | 'HalalDiet' | 'HinduDiet' | 'KosherDiet' | 'LowCalorieDiet' | 'LowFatDiet' | 'LowLactoseDiet' | 'LowSaltDiet' | 'VeganDiet' | 'VegetarianDiet'>[]  /**   *  A reference to a video representing the recipe instructions, by ID.   */  video?: NodeRelations<VideoObject | IdReference>  /**   * The language code for the guide; e.g., en-GB.   */  inLanguage?: string  /**   * A reference-by-ID to the author of the article.   */  author?: NodeRelation<Person>  /**   * The date when the recipe was added, in ISO 8601 format.   */  datePublished?: ResolvableDate}export interface NutritionInformation extends Thing {  '@type': 'NutritionInformation'  /**   * A calorie count as a string (e.g., "270 calories").   */  calories: string}