Learn how to use the component API.
Each Schema has an associated component that can be used to configure your sites
Schema in your vue files <template>
. Behind the scenes, these components are simply calling the associated
function while providing a less boilerplate heavy approach to defining schemas.
Each component implements the same logic and there are multiple ways to define your components.
Any attribute passed on the component will be forwarded to the Schema.
For fields which are prefixed with @
, such as @type
and @id
, you can simply omit the @
For example, to set a page name and type:
<template><!-- About us page inline --><SchemaOrgWebPage type="AboutPage" name="About Us" /></template>
Alternatively to providing attributes on the prop, you are also able to provide the data through slots which use the same name as the attribute.
For example, we can generate a FAQ Question with the following:
<template><SchemaOrgQuestion> <template #name> What is the capital of Australia? </template> <template #acceptedAnswer> Canberra </template></SchemaOrgQuestion></template>
If you want to render the markup and want full customisation, you can provide a default slot. The slot props will be the resolved node.
<template><SchemaOrgQuestion> <!-- Scoped slots won't render anything --> <template #name> {{ question }} </template> <template #acceptedAnswer> <div v-html="answer" /> </template> <!-- Default slot will render --> <template> <h2> {{ question }} </h2> <div v-html="answer" /> </template></SchemaOrgQuestion></template>