Install the nuxt-schema-org module to start using in your Nuxt app.
yarn add -D nuxt-schema-org
Add the module to your Nuxt config.
export default defineNuxtConfig({ modules: [ 'nuxt-schema-org', ],})
To server-side render, you'll need to provide a canonical host.
export default defineNuxtConfig({ // ... schemaOrg: { canonicalHost: '', },})
You can conditionally swap this depending on the environment, but it's not needed, simply putting the production host is enough.
See the User Config page for all options you can pass on schemaOrg
To quickly add the recommended to all pages, you can make use Runtime Inferences.
This should be done in either your app.vue
or layout/default.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>useSchemaOrg([ // @todo Select Identity: defineWebSite({ name: 'My Awesome Website', }), defineWebPage(),])</script>
Your Nuxt app is now serving basic, congrats! 🎉
The next steps are:
All module options can be passed on the schemaOrg
key in your nuxt.config.ts
See User Config for config options.
: (meta: MetaInput) => void
You can hook into the generation of the meta-data used to generate the data.
For example, this can be useful for dynamically changing the host.
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => { nuxtApp.hooks.hook('schema-org:meta', (meta) => { if (nuxtApp._route.path === '/plugin-override') { = '' meta.url = `${}${meta.path}` } })})